
OERs for All — Wikipedia Starts Offering Books


In the free encyclopedia — the Wikipedia — there is a new feature and a service that allows anyone to create custom printed books from the Wikipedia content.

Users can create their own customized books from over 3 million articles in English Wikipedia by adding in to the book whatever article on whatever topic. The feature will, at some point in a future, be available in all the Wikipedia’s in more than 250 language.

The service provided by PediaPress, a partner of Wikipedia, will create out of your collection of articles a printed book and send it to you. You may, also just create a PDF out of your book, distribute it as a such or print it on your own.

So, what you could do with the Books out of Wikipedia content?

I think this is a great addition to the Open Education Resources (OER) offering. From the Wikipedia one may combine a learning materials (books) with selected content. For instance, I would love to see a book about history of New Media, multimedia programming, 3D design, or typography design.

I am going to do some books but would also love to see “your book” about these topics! More books — the better.

Some press:

Wikipedia And PediaPress Now Allow You To Create Books From Content In English

Wikipedia Now Lets You Order Printed Books

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