
My research interest is New Media design, especially related to applications, solutions and services of e-learning, collaborative learning, collaborative group work and creative work.

You may find my academic profile from the Aalto People. You may have a look of my research outputs and activities in the Aalto University research database or publications in the Google Scholar.

I lead the Learning Environments research group (LeGroup) of the Aalto Media Lab of the Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture in Finland.

I supervise doctoral/PhD research: Jana Pejoska (2023), Jaana Brinck (2023), Iida Hietala, (2023),  Jane Vita, Jeongki Lim, Avner Peled, Heini Haapaniemi. Furthermore, I am advising or some other way involved in couple of other doctoral / PhD projects.

If you are interested in the topics of the Learning Environments research group and would like to join the group to do doctoral research, to be a postdoc or visiting researcher (doctoral candidate or postdoc) send me an email.  If your email comes with a short résumé / CV (1/2 A4) and an abstract of your thesis idea (1/2 A4), I promise, I’ll reply to you.

Finally, I probably should have a portfolio with all the software, web etc. projects, I have been working on in the last 20 years. Here are some: (1) Ympäristöverkko, (2) Future Learning Environment, (3) LeMill, (4) UNESCO YDC Educator’s Kit, (5) Art, Design & Technology -Master Classes in the Arab States, (6) Wikiversity, (7) MobilED – mobile learning, (8) TeamUp, (9) Edukata . . . you may try to find more information about these with your favourite search engine.